Was wir tun

Energiewende, Elektrifizierung von Wärme und Mobilität, grüne Transformation und sich ändernde regulatorische Anforderungen: Der Stromerzeugungssektor ist mit nie zuvor da gewesenen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Diese haben zudem entscheidende Auswirkungen auf die Beziehung zwischen Versorgungsunternehmen und Kunden, die aufgrund neuer Technologien zunehmend zu “Prosumern” werden. Zugleich ermöglichen neue Technologien es, den Ausbau von dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen, Mikronetzen, lokalen Speichern und virtuellen Kraftwerken entscheidend voranzutreiben. Energieversorger müssen ihre Geschäftsmodelle entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette überdenken. Bestehen kann nur, wer die richtigen Fähigkeiten besitzt und sein volles Potenzial ausschöpft. Insbesondere vorhandene zentrale konventionelle Ansätze brauchen in diesem Umfeld neue Asset-, Produktions- und Instandhaltungsstrategien. Wer sich mit den Veränderungen im Markt noch nicht angefreundet hat, läuft Gefahr, abgehängt zu werden.

Oliver Wyman verfügt über tiefe Branchenexpertise, um Energieversorger bei der erfolgreichen Positionierung in diesem sich verändernden Umfeld zu unterstützen. Unsere Expertenteams unterstützen Kunden bei strategischen Maßnahmen wie der Entwicklung von Portfoliostrategien und der organisatorischen Neuaufstellung bis hin zu einer detaillierten Analyse auf Asset-Ebene. Dazu zählen die Optimierung des Betriebs, die Neuausrichtung des Instandhaltungsmanagements, die Verbesserung der Eigen- und Fremdvergabe sowie digitales Asset Management.

Our expertise

Market strategy
Our expertise lies in identifying value extraction opportunities through advanced marketing and trading, optimizing portfolio allocation, facilitating energy transition strategies, and developing growth strategies through mergers and acquisitions. We also specialize in creating successful go-to-market strategies and improving trading strategies with advanced analytics and forecasting.
Trading operations
We develop strong commercial models and optimize organizational structures and processes. We also assist in establishing the right culture and incentives for trading companies. Our expertise extends to advanced IT architectures, analytics, and AI for trading, as well as robust financing and treasury strategies. We specialize in post-merger integration, ensuring seamless integration of trading divisions and unlocking maximum value.
Risk approach
We specialize in risk management, developing robust operating models aligned with strategic priorities. Our holistic approach integrates credit, liquidity, and market risk, enabling better decision-making. We also assist companies in managing emerging non-financial risks, including operations, regulations, and cyber threats. Our expertise lies in leveraging advanced tools for quantitative risk monitoring and modeling.
Commercial Transformation 
We support companies in creating new trading platforms to capture value. For existing operations, we enhance trading sophistication through policy review, organizational design, process improvement, and system optimization. Our expertise ensures trading excellence by optimizing performance, maintaining competitiveness, and benchmarking against key indicators.
Established traders have steered volatile commodity flows over the past year, demonstrating their ability to master times of uncertainty. By prioritizing trading agility and efficiency, they will solidify their pivotal position in connecting the global supply and demand of commodities, even in the face of geopolitical events
Adam Perkins
For major commodity producers and consumers, active trading strategies can help deliver more value. From optimizing asset performance to hedging against growing market and liquidity risks, a robust trading strategy unlocks the untapped potential of trading adjacencies and interfaces, driving commercial optimization and maximizing overall value
Joanne Salih
Commodities traders are extremely well-poised given dramatic volatility and changes in global demand and supply dynamics. As returns grow, so will competition – and ensuring that traders have strong strategies, use advanced analytics, and create the right internal incentives and structures will help realize their enormous potential
Ernst Frankl
As ‘old’ and ‘new’ commodity markets mature, it will be a strategic imperative for producers and consumers of those commodities to leverage their inherent advantages – like existing assets, product and capacities – and to rapidly mature their commercial models to both manage the increased risks from these markets; and to actively capture value at stake
Abhi Bhuchar
The necessity of fighting climate change is creating new sources of demand for commodities and creating interlinkages between different value chains. Traders that are responsive to these seismic shifts can capture enormous value by capitalizing on new sources of optionality – and will be critical to meeting climate targets
Christian Lins
  • Pause
  • $2 billion
    total revenue achieved by a new trading organization at a national oil company
    of savings identified as a proportion of addressable spend by developing a leaner operating model for a leading independent commodity trader
    number of commodities forecast under various climate scenarios to understand new value chain interlinkages and growth opportunities for a major agricultural and commodities trader
    $100 million
    estimated annual gross margin uplift from trading for a major European oil and gas company during a broad transformation program

    Warum Oliver Wyman

     For centuries, traders have played a vital role in ensuring that global goods arrive at the right place, at the right time, to the right specifications, and for the right price. The commodity trader serves as a crucial facilitator of global trade, ensuring the continuation of global commerce, even amidst fluctuating prices and a constantly changing environment. With global demand and supply drivers undergoing structural changes – due to geopolitics, the energy transition, and more – their role in our society – and ability to create value – is only going to grow.


    Explore the market factors supporting commodity trading growth and the character traits that enabled some players to expand beyond expectations.



    The role of commodity trading in the energy transition.

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    As trading margins continue to decline, proprietary intelligence is once again determining which traders will thrive.



    Why only the biggest and digitally advanced traders will thrive.

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    A new breed of commodity-trading titans and digital contenders are about to reorder the industry.

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    How Utilities Can Meet New Liquidity Management Requirements

    When margin calls hit the billion-Euro mark in 2022, European utilities lacked processes and tooling that were able to manage their liquidity.


    Risk management functions had typically focused on market and credit risk, with liquidity deprioritized or ignored. Treasury processes were designed to operate based on yearly budgets with quarterly reviews, which were no match for the liquidity needed to manage the ‘new norm’ of volatility and higher prices. And rate rises of 300 basis points meant financing grew more expensive and keeping track of working capital became imperative.


    While price volatility has been at its highest in Europe, the structural issues underpinning liquidity crises can be seen in examples across the world.

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